Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Baby, the Bathwater or Both?

This kid's First TV!  Not many of us remember those days. Black and White- that was it.  A screen about 5 to 6 inches thick, bullets could have bounced off it ( at least those shot from a BB gun).  Flying head butts did not penetrate it. Of course, me and my 2 brothers plead the 5th on any actual knowledge we have of these facts. How far we have come since those days: smart phones, flat screen televisions, TiVo, the Cloud, the Internet, tablets, iThis and iThat. But, have we really come that far?Technologically, yes. Culturally, the debate is still ongoing.  Granted, Civil Rights have improved for most people. Freedom is still difficult for some in this country.  So has the world always been.

My mother passed down a library of sayings that she learned from her mother and grandmother that are timeless.  In this blog, I will refer to them as Mom Says.  Mom Says: "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater".  The hippies and their baby boomer minions did that for us in the late 1960's into the 70's.  While the Civil Rights Movement was a necessary step towards equality and freedom, freedom from morality through embracing hedonism was not.  Bathwater=Civil Rights Violations, Baby=Traditional Moral Principles.  This movement towards hedonism has had devastating effects on our society. In addition, most are in agreement the Vietnam War should have not been politicized to the point of paralyzation.  At some point, it became a bad thing to continue policy wise.  But, the H & SBB (Hippies and Sympathetic Baby Boomers) threw down on the Vietnam Veterans.  Bathwater= Vietnam Policy, Baby= All Veterans in any war.

No where else is the baby/bathwater idiocy more obscenely portrayed than in politics. Ronald Reagan was once a Democrat.  Really?  Yes, he was.  He is famous for saying "I did not leave the Democrat party, the party left me."  It left him when they threw the baby out. This baby was the clearly unique American ideology found in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.  It was not based in Marxist and Communist ideology which was embraced by the Democratic Party and has now grown like a cancer.  It has moved well beyond the H & SBB and infected the very marrow of our culture. This infection is spread primarily through education and the media to which our young, 30 and below, are highly susceptible.

I have been reading a bit on the subject lately.  Here is an interview with one of the authors I have been reading that is quite telling.  He was able to interview openly with Hollywood writers and producers about some of the most popular TV programs from today and the early days of television.  He brilliantly writes about the history of Hollywood, blacklisting directed at Conservatives and "seed planting" of Far Left ideological ideas as normal by writers. Extremely eye opening:

I do not watch an extreme amount of television but I must admit I grew up with it and I like some of it. Ben Shapiro discusses in his book  the lack of actual Conservative television.  It is approached in the industry as a necessary evil whenever it is tried.  All television shows are laden with immoral, Marxist/Communist imagery and messages.  But, there are nuggets out there of Conservative values. How do we sort through it?

The purpose of this blog is to help sort through it.   There maybe a baby out there we do not want to throw away in some of the television we watch.  It is important for us to be able to point things out to others and our children if we see things that are not right.  Those things can often be hidden because so much fun, funny lines, glamour and glitz are thrown in as camouflage.

I am going to critique the shows I tend to watch on a regular basis through out the week.  There will be SPOILER ALERTS in case of TiVo.  After awhile, you might get the knack of it by reading my ideas, or not.  It might turn you off totally from certain TV shows, this can be good or bad.  The point is to not just sit there and soak it all in like this little guy.  We can no longer be as naive as the handsome boy at the top of this blog who was mainly exposed to the Beverly Hill Billies or Giligan's Island. This might be another way to Get Involved and Take America Back.  And or a way to just have a little fun.

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